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Cute Dog

About Wise K9 - Dog Training

Hi - this is Lisa at Wise K9 Dog training and I am excited that you've landed on my page! I am a certified Concept Dog Trainer with a passion for dog training and getting real life results for you and your dog.  


You might not have heard of Concept Trainers before. Before I got into my training journey neither had I. But I absolutely love the ethos and I hope you will too. Let me tell you a little about it - Concept Trainers love working in the realm of force free and postively rewarding our dogs. However, our training goes beyond this and this is an important step! We reshape our dogs brains and grow the skills (concepts) needed to live their best lives in our very complicate world.


Training is completed FOR the situation and not IN the situation, until the concepts have been grown. This means the dog and owner have the best relationship and training is fun!


I'll give you an example of concept training, close to my heart. My girl Penny. She's a beautiful soul rescued from Romania and I love her with all my heart - but unfortunately she came to us with a few struggles: separation anxiety, dog reactivity, challenges with visitors, pulling on lead, no recall - and that was to name but a few!


If we focus on the dog reactivity, through concept training I identified a few conepts she was lacking; disengagement (she struggled to disengage from other dogs), optimism (she would always assume a dog interaction would be a bad one) and finally her stress bucket was a little full and little things would tip her over the edge to a reaction. All of these contributed to her barking and lunging at dogs well over 100m away - we have got to the stage where we can walk with some dogs now through this training! And a lot of this was completed AWAY from her triggers.


We set up a training programme so we would succeed, it was atainable and fun!

If you would like to hear more, please get back in touch!

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